MoDDeVa 2011



Call For Papers



Important Dates

Previous Editions




-- 17.01.2012 --
The accepted papers are published here.

-- 03.09.2011 --
The accepted papers are online.

-- 01.08.2011 --
We received 21 submissions. The review process begins.

-- 18.07.2011 --
Deadline extension,
New submission deadline is July 31, 2011

-- 06.06.2011 --
MoDeVVa site is online


MoDeVVA 2011
Model-Driven Engineering, Verification, and Validation:
Integrating Verification and Validation in MDE
Wellington, New Zealand

Models are purposeful abstractions of artifacts. They can be applied at arbitrary abstraction levels and usually result in several advantages like, e.g., support for easy understanding of complex systems, requirements validation, and automatic code generation. Thus, the usage of models is becoming more and more important for industrial applications. Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) is a development methodology that is based on models, meta-models, and model transformations - it is one of the most important representatives for the application of models. The constant pace at which scientific and industrial development of MDE-related techniques moves forward shows that MDE is still quickly changing and that new approaches and corresponding issues arise frequently. Most important, there is a crucial need for validation and verification (V&V) techniques in the context of MDE. The other way round, MDE is used to support many V&V activities like, e.g., model-based testing.

The workshop on model-driven engineering, verification, and validation (MoDeVVa) in 2011 offers a forum for researchers and practitioners who are working on V&V and MDE. The main goals of the workshop are to identify, discuss, and elaborate mutual impacts of MDE and V&V.

The major questions about MDE and V&V concern possible overlappings and mutual benefits for both techniques: How can MDE improve V&V and how can V&V leverage the techniques around MDE? Are the artifacts correct with respect to security, time, and other constraints? How to model such non-functional aspects or product lines? What modeling languages or model transformations did perform best in real life applications (experience report)? Can V&V support the whole software engineering process from initial (informal) requirements via several model transformations to source code? What are possible combinations of both techniques like, e.g., of model transformations and model-based testing? How do model-driven tool chains support validation and verification?
In order to discuss these and further similar questions, we would like to invite submissions related to the following topics:

  • V&V techniques for MDE activities, e.g. V&V for model2model or model2text transformations
  • V&V at the level of the models: techniques for validating a model or generating test cases from models, including simulation, model-checking, model-based testing, etc.
  • V&V at the level of metamodels: techniques for validating meta-models (languages) or for using meta-models to validate other artefacts
  • The application of MDE to validation, testing and verification
  • Impact analysis of (meta-)model changes on validation. What is the result of a change in a (meta-)model on the previous results of validation?
  • V&V techniques supporting refinement, abstraction and structuring
  • Tools and automation
  • Case studies and experience reports


  • Levi Lúcio, Université du Luxembourg, Luxembourg
  • Stephan Weißleder, Fraunhofer FIRST, Germany
  • Harald Cichos, TU Darmstadt, Germany
  • Frédéric Fondement, Université de Haute Alsace, France
  • Photo Credit

    Brett Taylor published the picture on the MoDeVVa banner at wikipedia. The original version was published by Glutnix to Flickr. The picture is published using the creative commons by 2.0. Details are listed here.