Model-Based Testing





MBT Community

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There are many interesting workshops and conferences that are focused on model-based testing or at least partly include it. First of all, I would mention the academic conference ICST and the industrial conference MBT UC. Below, you will find a list of workshops and conferences that are (partly) dedicated to this topic and are also hosted in this domain:

Model-Based Testing User Conference 2011: 1st ETSI conference on model-based testing,
MoDeVVa Workshop 2011: MODELS workshop about model-driven design, verification, and validation,
ReVVerT Workshop 2011: ICST workshop about requirements, testing, validation, and verification,
MoDeVVa Workshop 2010: MODELS workshop about model-driven design, verification, and validation,
QuoMBaT Workshop 2010: ICST workshop on the quality of model-based testing,
MoDeVVa Workshop 2009: MODELS workshop about model-driven design, verification, and validation.

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