The second workshop on Joining AcadeMiA and Industry Contributions to Test Automation and Model-based Testing
(JAMAICA 2014)

California, July 21st 2014 (parallel to ISSTA Conference)

In industry, testing activities now account for more than 50% of the total software development effort. People strive to find solutions able to reduce such costs without compromising the final quality. A key role in this situation are approaches that push industry toward better test automation, to minimize manual, error-prone activities in test case generation and execution.

The JAMAICA workshop intends to foster the discussion on the current practices for automating and model-based testing activities among academia and industry (such as automotive, avionics, and factory automation). This should show the community what impact these activities may have on the overall cost/quality trade-off and on the development cycle.

The topics of interest include, but are not limited, to the following:


The program will be as follows:

9:00 - 10:00
Greetings and Keynote from Rajesh Subramanyan, Director Engineering at Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics (more...)

10:30 - 12:00 Testing Techniques Track (20min presentation + 10min Q&A):

Testing Methods Used in the Automotive Industry: Results from a Survey Harald Altinger, Franz Wotawa, and Markus Schurius (Audi Electronics Venture, Germany; Graz University of Technology, Austria)

A Framework-Based Approach for Automated Testing of CNC Firmware Marcus Thoss, Kai Beckmann, Reinhold Kroeger, Marco Muenchhof, and Christian Mellert (RheinMain University of Applied Sciences, Germany; Eckelmann, Germany)

Echo: A Middleware Architecture for Domain-Specific UI Test Automation Jorge Martinez, Troy Thomas, and Tariq M. King (Ultimate Software, USA)

13:30 - 15:00 Web and Distributed Applications Track (20min presentation + 10min Q&A):

On the Applicability of Combinatorial Testing to Web Application Security Testing: A Case Study Bernhard Garn, Ioannis Kapsalis, Dimitris E. Simos, and Severin Winkler (SBA Research, Austria; Security Research, Austria)

Towards an Automated Approach to Use Expert Systems in the Performance Testing of Distributed Systems A. Omar Portillo-Dominguez, Miao Wang, John Murphy, Damien Magoni, Nick Mitchell, Peter F. Sweeney, and Erik Altman (Lero, Ireland; University College Dublin, Ireland; University of Bordeaux, France; IBM Research, USA)

Modeling Mobile Application Test Platform and Environment: Testing Criteria and Complexity Analysis Chuanqi Tao and Jerry Gao (Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China; San Jose State University, USA)

15:30 - 16:30 Overall discussion (in the fishbowl format) on how the presented techniques and approaches influence the ROI of testing. The main goal is to get a better overview of the presented subjects, their relationships and relevance in industry.


Title = "Risk-Based Testing" (by Dr. Rajesh Subramanyan)

Risk-based testing (RBT) offers an exciting approach to cost effective testing by selecting features and functions to be tested based on priority/importance and likelihood or impact of failure. RBT provides a selection and prioritization criteria for testing. Automation candidates are typically selected using simple ROI analysis, e.g. how many times a test is run. RBT is a valuable input in the automation selection. Risk based testing is not new, it derives from principles of risk management techniques (e.g. Failure mode effects analysis, FMEA). For the testing community, techniques like boundary value analysis aim to find the area most likely to be defective, thus the tester is already selecting tests based on risks. RBT is useful to reduce the number of defects reaching the customer. Transforming RBT theory into practical steps that testing organizations can adopt within their existing processes and alongside other test methods is presented. The focus is on "practical" RBT and covers areas including selecting and introducing RBT to organizations, and incorporating RBT to agile methodology. The talk is of interest to the software and system testing community looking to improving testing ROI and automation selection process.

Dr. Rajesh Subramanyan (Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics USA): Dr. Rajesh Subramanyan is the Director Engineering with Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics. He is responsible for Testing and System Integration at his site at West Sacramento. Between 2005-2010, he was a project manager with Software Engineering & Testing at Siemens Corporate Research at Princeton, NJ. He is currently serving as a steering committee member and track chair IEEE COMPSAC. He has been organizing Software Test Automation STA Workshop, now in its 6th year. His interests cover broad areas of software engineering with focus on quality & testing, including topics such as model based testing, testing in an agile environment and risk based testing. He has a PhD from ECE Purdue and a MS from University of Houston. Prior to joining Siemens, he was a visiting assistant professor with CS Purdue University between 2003-2005 where he designed and implemented a successful software development life cycle program.

Submission Guidelines

JAMAICA is seeking two kinds of submissions: regular and short papers. Regular papers are up to 6 double-column pages, describing fully accomplished work in industry or research. Short Papers are up to 3 double-column pages, describing work in industry or research that has not yet produced the results required for a regular paper, but that deserves to be shared with the community at an early stage due to its novelty and potential impact.

All papers must contain original, unpublished work and will be accepted and included in the workshop program and proceedings according to the following criteria: relevance of the addressed topic to the scope of the workshop; novelty of the proposed contribution; technical relevance and practicality of presented ideas; relevance of case studies and of results for the industrial community; writing and presentation accuracy and style.

Papers will be accepted only by electronic submission through the EasyChair conference system:

Conference Proceedings

The workshop proceedings will be published by ACM. At the workshop, the proceedings will be made digitally available.

Important Dates


Christof Budnik, Siemens, USA

Gabriella Carrozza, SESM, Italy

David Faragó, KIT, Germany

Baris Güldali, s-lab Paderborn, Germany

Barath Kumar, inIT, Germany

Vittorio Manetti, SESM , Italy

Roberto Pietrantuono, UNINA, Italy

Stephan Weißleder, Thales Transportation Systems, Germany

Program Committee

Alberto Avritzer, Siemens
Robert Binder, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

Tibor Csöndes, Ericsson, Hungary

Vladimir Entin, Omicron, Austria

Michael Felderer, University of Innsbruck, Austria

Michael Mlynarski, qualityminds, Germany

Sebastian Siegl, Audi, Germany

Sebastian Wieczorek, SAP

Peter Zimmerer, Siemens

Marc-Florian Wendland, Fraunhofer Institut FOKUS
Thomas Santen, Microsoft Research Advanced Technology Labs Europe


David Faragó, KIT, Germany